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Artificial intelligence: Challenges and opportunities facing human resources in 2024.

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  • Panache Talent
  • February 07 2024

AI is redefining how we recruit, manage people, and shape corporateculture.

For the older among us, we remember how easy it was to move from typing to word processing. Then we learned how to use a computer and a fax machine. Later, a few lucky people were walking around with a BlackBerry, allowing them to access their emails directly on their cell phones. And the developments continued, transforming into tools used by the vast majority of workers. The pandemic has allowed the majority to integrate the use of video calls. Recently, another technology is transforming the landscape of HR departments in 2024: AI. Indeed, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a key player in the field of human resources in Quebec, offering innovative opportunities but also raising concerns and challenges. In 2024, human resources professionals face a new era, where AI redefines how they recruit, manage people, and shape organizational culture. As much as we must remain vigilant, we must familiarize ourselves with this technology now.

1. Process automation:

Process automation using AI represents one of the biggest trends affecting HR professionals. Repetitive tasks such as initial candidate screening, scheduling, and administrative data management can be optimized with AI solutions. However, this raises questions about data management (in compliance with Law 25), the impact on employment and the need for rapid adaptation to new technologies.

2. Algorithmic bias:

A major challenge associated with the use of AI in recruitment is the risk of algorithmic bias. AI systems may unintentionally reflect existing biases in the data they were trained on. Human resources professionals must be aware of this problem and implement strategies to minimize bias, ensuring fairness in the recruitment process.

3. Training and adaptation of skills:

The implementation of AI in HR requires constant updating of the skills of professionals. Understanding AI tools, the ability to interact with them productively, and managing new employment dynamics are becoming crucial. Companies must invest in continuing education to ensure their HR team remains competent and up-to-date.

The Ordre CRHA offers training that might interest you: https://ordrecrha.org/services/formations/formation/i/intelligence-artificielle-effects-impacts-ia

If you prefer a more practical and small group format, consider Sandrine Théard's workshops: https://lessources humaine.ca/fr/formations/atelier-ia-au-service-du-recrutement

4. Data confidentiality:

The collection and analysis of personal data is at the heart of many AI applications in human resources, particularly for evaluating employee performance and predicting training needs. This raises concerns about employee privacy. HR professionals must navigate carefully to ensure data privacy while maximizing the benefits of AI.

5. Communication and staff buy-in:

The introduction of AI can generate apprehension and resistance among staff. Transparent communication about the use of AI, its goals and limitations is essential to gaining employee trust. HR professionals will play a key role in exploring the benefits of AI while alleviating legitimate fears related to its use.

In 2024, Artificial Intelligence will undoubtedly transform the human resources landscape in Quebec, offering opportunities for efficiency and innovation, but also posing significant challenges. HR professionals who embrace these changes, while proactively addressing issues such as algorithmic bias, data privacy and internal communication, will play a crucial role in the transition to smarter and ethical human resources management.

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